Article CPQ CRM Forsys Salesforce

Integrate your Salesforce CRM with CPQ: Stay on Top in Business

Salesforce CPQ Article Integrate your Salesforce CRM with CPQ Stay on Top in Business

It’s no brainer that Salesforce Customer Management Software (CRM) is a powerful tool, leading to success for the 150,000+ customers ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. What’s more, Salesforce reported a 25% jump in revenue of $26.49 billion last year, making it one of the fastest growing CRM technologies globally. 

Salesforce CRM can do a lot of the heavy lifting and does a great job of organizing customer information and tracking sales opportunities. But there’s still a lot of room  to further improve sales efficiency, enhance sales quote precision, and reduce the length of the sales cycle.

We often talk to companies that have CRM but are still using manual, stand-alone tools for managing their sales teams. Their quoting and proposal process is usually done in Microsoft Excel and Word, which can make their sales cycle slower and harder to manage and cost them potential customers. That’s why a configure, price, quote (CPQ) solution can be such a great help—it can really change the game.

Lately, Forsys integrated Salesforce CRM for an esteemed university headquartered in Singapore and increased their sales productivity by a whopping 25%! Click to read the corresponding Salesforce CRM case study now. 

What is Salesforce CPQ 

It is a great sales tool that helps businesses quickly and accurately create quotes for orders. It’s compatible with Salesforce CRM and other business technologies like ERP, so you know your data is integrated and reliable. What’s even better is that the quotes are automated, meaning pricing is always accurate according to quantities, discounts, customizations, optional features, multiple revenue types, and incompatibilities—no errors!

Got questions about Salesforce CPQ? Read our blog to learn about the top 5 questions businesses frequently ask. Wanted to know more? Click here to read Salesforce CPQ Case Study

Salesforce CPQ witness:

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Integrate Salesforce CRM with CPQ to access these top perks

Businesses that invest in Salesforce CRM integration are cognizant of the advantages of utilizing the world’s #1 CRM technology to maximize sales team performance. Additionally, Salesforce CPQ works in tandem with Salesforce CRM, so don’t delay in integrating the two to get the best out of your sales team and peak their efficiency. 

  • Uncover sales opportunities

Sales teams spend lots of time trying to find sales leads. But Salesforce CPQ, with its CRM integration and AI algorithms, can help your salespeople discover and pursue new sales opportunities, leading to more revenue. Why is this important? Because returning customers spend 67% more than new ones. 

  • Slash admin time & be more agile in responding to customers

Admin tasks take up way too much of a rep’s time, leaving only 28% for selling, but with Salesforce CPQ and CRM integration, they can reclaim that time. Product configuration, accurate quotes, and fast delivery, without any misquotes—now that’s efficiency!

  • Leverage a digital catalog to match customers with appropriate products

Sales reps often keep it simple, not tailoring products to customers. With Salesforce CPQ and CRM integration, your team will have access to a digital catalog of products, configuration options, and techniques to help choose the right products. They can even find and recommend additional products best suited for customers. 

  • Discover profitable cross-selling opportunities

Cross-selling helps make bigger sales for you. With Salesforce CPQ, your reps can do this easily, and AI-based solutions go even further, using customer behavior to make personalized recommendations. The result? Greater customer satisfaction plus more sales. 

  • Accelerate deal closures with price recommendations

28% of salespeople find closing a deal the most difficult part. Integrating SalesforceCRM with CPQ boosts their chances of closing deals and speeds up the process. Also, it ensures accurate pricing, so reps can offer quotes quickly and customers won’t look for alternatives.

  • Cut instruction time for fresh or complex products

Introducing new products often means lots of training time. Salesforce CPQ can help by giving reps access to product info, customizations, and pricing.

  • Access analytical data on performance

Salesforce CPQ gives you a clear picture of your sales team’s data and product sales. You can track their sales, see what products are popular, and look at quotes for those that didn’t sell. Use this to tweak pricing or marketing strategies.

  • Build cohesive brand presence 

Having a centralized tool like Salesforce boosts brand consistency. Templates with your company branding make it easier for salespeople & ensure a unified presence to leads. Without consistency, people won’t take you seriously. Integrating Salesforce CRM & CPQ gets the job done.

Warning Signs Your Salesforce CRM Needs CPQ Integration

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Let Forsys help your business tap into the full potential of Salesforce CRM and CPQ integration for optimal results

Forsys has your back—we recognize the value of a smooth experience. That’s why we offer out-of-the-box integrations for Salesforce CRM and CPQ, backed by our thorough quote-to-cash know-how and integration systems and accelerators to ensure the task is done perfectly from start to finish. Our 4.8/5 CSAT score speaks for itself—you can count on us! 

 As a sought-after Salesforce partner, we’ve been helping businesses from every industry improve their CRM performance with CPQ integration in Salesforce, solving their unique problems, and seeing remarkable sales growth. 

See how our customers have succeeded by reading their stories

Reach out to our Salesforce pros to get Salesforce CPQ and CRM integration rolling.

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